Simon Tarrant Gold
Good? Bad? I'm the kid with the lightsabers.
Did you bring me presents?
Now what was that password?
Don't force me to resort to the dreaded pirate pout.
Washing machine? That's crazy talk.
I wasn't born yesterday.
Simon Tarrant Gold was born at 10:45 am on 13 September 2003.
At that time he weighed seven pounds six ounces and measured
twenty-one inches tall. September 13 will fall on a Friday at
his tenth, sixteenth and twenty-first birthdays.
Recently Simon has been learning about computers. He helped to
create some special effects on some pictures and put them
together to make one story and then
a sequel. He has also been
learning how to write programs in Javascript. Here is his
top secret laboratory -- don't tell
anyone where it is. Here are some early results:
Simon's favorite color is blue (though it used to be red). He
loves pretending to be a pirate captain, drawing, popping
bubbles, riding his bike and making a fort out of couch
cushions. He likes games of all kinds including video games;
card games such as hearts, go fish and crazy eights; board games
like chess and checkers.
- diter
- water
- nokay
- not okay
- cordie
- quarter
- tordie
- turtle
- hepfoo
- helpful
- baby
- yogurt (Yo-Baby brand)
- zogert
- yogurt
- aps
- applesauce
- fint
- elephant
- i-cream
- ice cream
- dubba-do
- double-yew
- street
- Sesame Street
- compeeger
- computer
- flammy
- family
- smooky ghost
- spooky ghost
- goba time
- play time
- it's too gunga
- I don't like it
- my belly's running
- I'm hungry
- a hundred miles of silly
- (self explanatory)
- don't be a complain cat
- (self explanatory)