Simon Tarrant Gold was born at 10:45 am on 13 September 2003. At that time he weighed seven pounds six ounces and measured twenty-one inches tall. September 13 will fall on a Friday at his tenth, sixteenth and twenty-first birthdays.
Recently Simon has been learning about computers. He helped to create some special effects on some pictures and put them together to make one story and then a sequel. He has also been learning how to write programs in Javascript. Here is his top secret laboratory -- don't tell anyone where it is. Here are some early results:
Simon's favorite color is blue (though it used to be red). He loves pretending to be a pirate captain, drawing, popping bubbles, riding his bike and making a fort out of couch cushions. He likes games of all kinds including video games; card games such as hearts, go fish and crazy eights; board games like chess and checkers.